Ulcer AO

Canker Sores

✅Canker sores are mouth ulcers that appear white-gray or yellow and are
characterized by a painful sensation. They occur on the tissues inside the mouth.

✅Although not contagious, canker sores are very painful and patients find it difficult to eat or drink anything while they are suffering from it.

✅ Canker sores are caused by different factors which include stress, poor immune system, poor
diet, vitamin deficiencies and trauma in the mouth.

✅You can buy commercial treatments for canker sores in your local pharmacy, but
if you are looking for effective solutions at home, then you can use AO

✅There are many reasons why Hydrogen peroxide is effective in treating canker sores and below are the properties of this chemical compound that makes it effective in treating canker sores. It contains antimicrobial properties that kills the bacteria that causes canker sores
It gives relief from pain within 24 hours after administering in the mouth It helps maintain a healthy level of bacteria in the mouth

How To Treat Canker Sores With H 2 o 2

✅There are many ways of using Hydrogen peroxide to treat canker sores and this section will give you the list on the different ways that you can use Hydrogen peroxide to ease canker sores.

📌Method 1: Hydrogen Peroxide With Water
1 cup 3% Hydrogen Peroxide 3 cups water Directions:
1. Mix ingredients in a lidded bottle.
2. Use the solution to rinse your mouth or you can apply it directly on the canker sore using a Q-tip .
3. A fter rinsing or applying it onto the canker sore, leave on for fifteen
4. Rinse with a saline solution .

📌Method 2: Hydrogen Peroxide, Salt And Baking Soda
1 tsp . salt
1 tbsp. baking soda
¼ tsp . 35% Hydrogen Peroxide
1 cup non-chlorinated water 

1. Mix all the ingredients to make a mouthwash solution in a lidded bottle.
2. Rinse your mouth with the solution at least 2 times a day.
3. Repeat regularly until the canker sore is gone .

📌Method 3: Hydrogen Peroxide And Milk Of Magnesia
 Saline solution
1 cup water 1 cup 35% Hydrogen peroxide Milk of magnesia Directions:
1. Prepare a mixture of Hydrogen peroxide and water by mixing them in a
lidded bottle.
2. Before a pplying the solution directly to the canker sore using a cotton
swab, rinse your mouth with saline solution first.
3. Leave it for a few minutes and dab a small amount of milk of magnesia
over the canker sore .

📌Method 4: Gargle Made From Hydrogen Peroxide And Zinc
Lozenges Ingredients: 
1 cup + 2 tbsps. 35% Hydrogen peroxide
1 cup non-chlorinated water 2 zinc lozenges Directions:
1. Take 2 zinc lozenges and dissolve them in Hydrogen peroxide.
2. Mix equal parts of Hydrogen peroxide and water and add the prepared
lozenge solution to it .
3. Gargle the solution thrice a day and repeat if necessary until the canker sores are gone Hydrogen peroxide is an effective way to treat canker sores. 
The best thing about this treatment is that there are no known side effects , thus making it very safe to use. However, it is important to avoid swallowing Hydrogen peroxide as it can cause the stomach to become upset. Moreover, make sure to rinse your mouth with water to remove the traces of Hydrogen peroxide. If you use this treatment, then ensure that you are also eating well and avoiding stress, and you will see drastic improvement a few days after treatment.


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