✅When pathogenic organisms are destroyed by your immune system (using AO), the compounds that spill out of their dead carcasses flood your bodily tissues.
✅Yecchh! In its attempt to discard these toxins, your body has numerous choices. Skin eruptions (acne, boils, hives, sores, ulcers), nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, tearing of the eyes, sweating, sneezing, coughing, urination,
menstruation and probably many more methods are all ways
that your body gets rid of garbage. ✅One woman reported experiencing a sudden, severe nose bleed with the elimination of two large blood clots from her right nostril. She can now breathe through her nose for the first time in years.
✅Another person had bleeding from the mouth when he spit up huge amounts of mucous. Another had rectal bleeding as his hemorrhoids decreased. 
✅Another man reported green slime oozing out of his skin. 
✅If the load of toxic junk that you have stored in your body is
dredged up too quickly, your body may not be able to
excrete it as fast as needed. 
✅When this happens, you will
probably feel lousy. You will think that you are sick. If you
are like most people, you will say something stupid like
“I’m allergic to hydrogen peroxide” or “That hydrogen peroxide made me sick.”
✅ In my experience, people always
seem to misinterpret their own natural bodily functions. A cough is not bad, a cough is merely how your lungs expel something that doesn’t belong there.
✅ A sneeze is how your sinuses do the same thing. 
✅Diarrhea is how your colon quickly gets rid of a lot of garbage. 
✅A pimple is how your skin removes toxic junk.
✅ These actions are NOT symptoms of disease. 
✅They are methods of cleansing. ✅You need to learn to embrace these functions and encourage them
because this is how your body cleans itself.
✅ These uncomfortable events are the price that is necessary to remove the toxins that block the recovery of your precious health. Don’t be misled by fear. 
✅Cleansing reactions are good! Be grateful when they occur, for you have found the solution.
✅ If you can’t handle the intensity, I understand. Just slow down.
Take it easy. But do continue.


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