
Showing posts from January, 2022

High cholesterol in the body is a clear indication which shows the liver of the individual is in good health.

Pharma companies extracted USD 2 trillion from consumers in the name of cholesterol level treatment. What a shame on medical research fraud and authorities. Their incompetency costed USD 2 trillion to people those who were fit and healthy.  Cholesterol is finally officially removed from Naughty List. The  US government has finally accepted that cholesterol is not a _nutrient of concern_. doing a U-turn on their warnings to us to stay away from high-cholesterol foods since the 1970s to avoid heart disease and clogged arteries. This means eggs, butter, full-fat dairy products, nuts, coconut oil and meat have now been classified as safe and have been officially removed from the _nutrients of concern_ list. The US Department of Agriculture, which is responsible for updating the guidelines every five years, stated in its findings for 2015: "Previously, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended that cholesterol intake be limited to no more than 300 mg/day. "The 2015 DGAC wi...

KELEBIHAN ZIKIR "Subhanallah walhamdulillah wala ilaha illallah wallahu akhbar"

1. Rasulullah SAW. bersabda, “Lazimkan membaca Subhanallah walhamdulillah wala ilaha illallah wallahu akhbar, kerana semua itu dapat menghapuskan dosa sebagaimana gugurnya daun dari pohon”. (HR Ibnu Majah) 2. Abu Hurairah meriwayatkan Rasulullah SAW. berkata : “Membaca Subhanallah walhamdulillah wala ilaha illallah wallahu akbar lebih aku sukai daripada seisi dunia.” (Hadith Riwayat Muslim) 3. Dari Samuroh bin Jundub, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Ada empat ucapan yang paling disukai oleh Allah: (1) Subhanallah, (2) Alhamdulillah, (3) Laa ilaaha illallah, dan (4) Allahu Akbar. Tidak berdosa bagimu dengan mana saja kamu memulai” (HR. Muslim no. 2137). 4. Dari Abu Hurairah, dia berkata, “Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda: ‘Sesungguhnya membaca “Subhanallah walhamdulillah wa laa ilaha illallah wallahu akbar (Maha Suci Allah, segala puji bagi Allah, tiada sesembahan yang berhak disembah selain Allah, dan Allah Maha Besar)” adalah lebih aku cintai daripada segala sesuatu yang terke...