Where Is Consciousness Located In The Brain?
We have become so accustomed to living our lives without contemplating and questioning that we take solace in relating the things we can see to ‘matter’ and the things we can’t see to magic! Some call this magic ‘mother nature’ and some call it ‘God’! It is as though we unwisely insist on not seeing the magnificent mechanism of the body, the cause-and-effect relation and the perfection of the brain, which is the most elevated mechanism of the One denoted by the name ‘Allah’! So-called scholars and their heralds who have no idea about the role of genes in the creation and life of man and its place and function in the brain, console the masses with nonsense ideas such as man being some sort of a hocus-pocus creation of God and all man has to do is deify and worship this God! We are afraid of thinking, questioning and knowing ourselves! Narrators of Quranic verses and hadith have no idea about the modern scientific developments, and...